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SKY PARK AIRPORT PARKING SERVICES B.V., a private company with limited liability under Dutch law, trading as MOBIAN, registered at the chamber of commerce (The Netherlands) under KVK-No.: 57475733, with its corporate seat at Leidsevaartweg 99, 2106AS, HEEMSTEDE, The Netherlands, legally represented in this matter by Mr S.J. Snel, provides a digital platform, which has parking spots, vehicles such as bicycles and taxi’s (“Vehicle(s)”) for rent (collectively “the Services”). The Services are available via MOBIAN’s Platform ( and mobile application ('the App"), including the identical services provided by MOBIAN's Authorized Third Party Resellers.


By making use of the Services, the App or the Website, the User agrees to comply and be legally bound by these terms and conditions (“T&Cs”).


These are the general terms and conditions ("General Terms and Conditions") of Sky Park Airport Parking Services B.V. (hereinafter to be referred to as "MOBIAN"; "We"; "Us" or "Our"), By using or visiting MOBIAN's mobile (or other) applications, websites or other services (hereinafter to be referred to jointly as: "the Service"), you hereby agree to be bound by these General Terms and Conditions. The Service is owned and managed by MOBIAN. These General Terms and Conditions relate to your rights and obligations.


Briefly summarized, these matters are regulated in these General Terms and Conditions:

  • For the fulfilment of the agreement MOBIAN depends on the services of Suppliers. The User realizes and admits that MOBIAN does not offer the mobility solution always by itself, but that it depends on independent Suppliers for the execution. That is why MOBIAN is not liable for the services of the independent Suppliers nor can MOBIAN guarantee the correct execution of the booked services. It is clear that MOBIAN will do its best to give the User the best and expected experience.

  • After registration has been completed, MobiHubs and MobiBikes offered by MOBIAN may be used. Only verified Users may use MOBIAN's MobiHubs and MobiBikes.

  • Before, during and after riding a MobiBike, check whether there is new damage to the bike or new defects in it, and, if so, report this immediately.

  • While using and parking the MobiBike, you are responsible for it. If anything occurs while you are using the MobiBike (for instance, if it breaks down, is damaged or stolen, or if you are unable to return it on time), contact MOBIAN immediately.

  • The User is responsible for traffic and parking fines during or resulting from the use.

  • Use of the MobiBike will end once you have returned the Mobibike to the MobiHub, correctly locked the Mobibike and ended your ride in the app.

  • The number of consecutive hours that can actually be parked on a MobiHub is automatically generated when booking. This time can therefore never be exceeded or extended.

  • The minimum time between two consecutive bookings is four hours calculated between the end time of the first booking and the start time of the second booking.



  1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to any offer by MOBIAN and any agreement.

  2. MOBIAN may modify and/or supplement these General Terms and Conditions at any time. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions will be announced beforehand. The most current version of the General Terms and Conditions can be accessed via the website and will be brought to the User’s attention via the application. If the User continues using the application after these General Terms and Conditions have been modified and/or supplemented, the User will thereby be indicating that he/she/it accepts the modified General Terms and Conditions. If the User does not agree to the modified General Terms and Conditions, he/she/it may no longer use the Service. The User can terminate his/her/its subscription through Customer Support by mail, after which he/she/it may no longer use the Service.

  3. The User realizes that MOBIAN depends on Suppliers for the fulfilment of the agreement. It is possible that besides the Terms and Conditions of MOBIAN also Terms and Conditions of the Supplier are applicable. The User can ask the Supplier (contact information will be provided by MOBIAN) for these Terms and Conditions. MOBIAN is not responsible or liable for the substance of these Terms and Conditions nor for the execution of it. When the Terms and Conditions of MOBIAN and the Supplier are in conflict with each other, the Terms and Conditions of MOBIAN prevail.

  4.  The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is not applicable on this agreement.

  5. In these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms, indicated each time with a capital letter, have the following meanings:

  • Subscription/membership: an arrangement between the User and MOBIAN, in which the User may use the MobiHubs and MobiBikes offered by MOBIAN in return for the payment of a Fee;

  • General Terms and Conditions: these General Terms and Conditions of MOBIAN for using the bookings platform of MOBIAN or one of the MobiHubs. 

  • Account: the User's (personal) account within the App and the Website, which the User can access using his/her/its Login Information;

  • App: the application for using MOBIAN which is furnished by MOBIAN in Apple's and Google's app stores;

  • Booking: renting or putting into use an available Mobihub or MobiBike;

  • Booking voucher: The e-mail notification sent by MOBIAN or the User/Reseller which includes the reservation details for the User and relevant information of the booking.

  • Service: the use of MOBIAN's mobile (and other) Applications and Websites, through which the User can make Reservations and book a Mobihub or MobiBike;

  • MobiBike: a bike from MOBIAN or one of MOBIAN's Partners, equipped with specific technology to lock and unlock the MobiBike;

  • Use: Reserving a Mobihub or MobiBike and actually putting it into use;

  • User: a natural or legal person who/that has entered into an Agreement with MOBIAN to be able to use MOBIAN's Service;

  • MobiHub: a location created by MOBIAN, on private property or the pavement in a public area, where MobiBikes may be parked and which is accessible to Users. The MobiHub location can be found on the digital map in the App or on the Website;

  • Log-In Information: the email address and password registered with MOBIAN, with which the User can access his/her/its Account;

  • Partner: companies with which MOBIAN has concluded an agreement to offer MobiBikes in the context of the Service, as indicated on the Website and/or in the App;

  • Agreement: any agreement concluded between MOBIAN and the User. The User putting the App into use will also be considered to be the formation of an Agreement;

  • Reservation: reservation of a MobiHub or MobiBike using the App; (also known as "Reservation");

  • Reseller: the Party that offers services through MOBIAN of the Supplier to its Users.

  • Supplier: Companies who offer mobility solutions such as; parking providers, taxi companies, rail ticket providers, bike rental, car rental, transfer and public transport companies.

  • Fee: a fee which the User owes MOBIAN based on the period of time that the Mobihub or MobiBike was used and/or the Subscription or Membership costs to which MOBIAN is entitled;

  • Website: MOBIAN's website is


  1. The agreement (a Booking) between the User and MOBIAN is realized by accepting the MOBIAN offer (directly or indirectly via a Reseller).

  2. MOBIAN reserves the right to modify or terminate the Service or access to the Service for any reason whatsoever, without prior notice, at any time and without being liable to the User.

  3. MOBIAN reserves the right to deny access to the Service to any person at any desired time and for any reason whatsoever.

  4. The User agrees that he/she/it is responsible for any mobile data costs he/she/it incurs in using the Service.

  5. Besides the Terms and Conditions, the Disclaimer and the Privacy Statement (on the website) are applicable.

  6. MOBIAN is obligated to execute the agreement with the User to the best of its abilities. In the selection of third parties (Suppliers) needed for the execution of the agreement, MOBIAN handles it with the best care. However, the Booking is a ‘best-effort obligation’ for MOBIAN, because MOBIAN – depending on third parties – cannot guarantee a certain result.


  1. The Booking process is (partial) automatically. Therefore MOBIAN cannot guarantee that the offered price and availability is correct. Therefore MOBIAN has the right to ask the User for an extra payment (in case the service is more expensive) or to cancel the Booking and restitute the payment to the User. The User is entitled to cancel the Booking within 24 hours after he/she is informed by MOBIAN about the extra costs.


  1. By using the Service, Users can make a Reservation and/or book a MobiHub or MobiBike. MOBIAN will ensure that the User’s Reservation and booking are registered with the Mobihub or MobiBike partner of MOBIAN.

  2. Upon completion of the Reservation and/or when the User has booked a MobiHub or MobiBike, an Agreement for using the MobiHub or MobiBike will be formed between the User and the Partner/MOBIAN. The Partner's general terms and conditions may apply to this MobiHub or MobiBike Agreement.

  3. MOBIAN delivers a mobility solution based on the request of the User. MOBIAN selects the best-suited Supplier and offers a mobility solution to the User. MOBIAN does not guarantee that it offers the lowest possible price, however, that is one of the considerations in the offer but guarantees that it is a good option for the User’s request.


  1. It is possible to make several bookings in one time via MOBIAN. MOBIAN emphasizes that regardless of the diversity and amount of the bookings, every booking is a separate booking and that they do not result in a (travel) package agreement.


  1. For the fulfilment of the agreement MOBIAN depends on the services of Suppliers. The User realizes and admits that MOBIAN does not offer the mobility solution by itself, but that it depends on independent Suppliers for the execution. That is why MOBIAN is not liable for the services of the independent Suppliers nor can MOBIAN guarantee the correct execution of the booked services. It is clear that MOBIAN will do its best to give the User the best and expected experience.


  1. User instructions are determined by the Suppliers. MOBIAN has no influence on this/is not liable for this.

    1. Key retention differs per Supplier. User can see this while making a Booking. Each airport Supplier reserves the right to take the key anyway if necessary.

    2. Parking spaces are set on standard passenger cars. If an Extra large parking space is needed for a Multivan / Sprinter etc., Suppliers will charge a surcharge.

    3. The Supplier reserves the right to charge extra costs if the User travels with more than 3 people.

    4. The airport Supplier reserves the right to charge extra costs on-site if an airport fee has to be paid. 

    5. When booking a taxi, MOBIAN takes into account the number of people who can enter the taxi chosen by the Customer at most.


  1. MOBIAN's Users who booked a MobiHub and/or MobiBike must create an Account, to which the following minimum requirements will apply:

    1. The User is at least 18 years old

    2. The User needs to have the necessary legal capacity to make a Booking. When the User is younger or lacks the necessary legal capacity, MOBIAN is allowed to consider the Booking as not established.

    3. When the User makes a booking for several persons, the User declares to be explicitly authorized to make the booking and accept the Terms and Conditions on behalf of him-/herself and the other persons for whom a booking is made.

    4. When the User makes the Booking also for other people it is his/her responsibility to provide the information received from MOBIAN to all these persons. MOBIAN considers information provided to the User as information to provide to all these persons.

    5. When the information mentioned in Art. 1C changes, the User needs to inform MOBIAN about this. MOBIAN is allowed to charge the User for these changes

  2. The User must at all times be available for contact with MOBIAN in connection with a Reservation and the use of the Service and guarantees that the Account contains a valid and personal telephone number.

  3. The User must keep his/her/its Log-In Information strictly confidential and private. MOBIAN is entitled to assume that anything occurring in or with the User's Account is done by the User or under the User's supervision and/or responsibility. The User agrees that he/she/it will not sell, transfer or lend out his/her/its Account, User name or other Account-related rights. It is prohibited to create an Account for a third party or to use a third party's Account.

  4. If the User believes or knows that his/her/its Account is being misused, the User must report this to MOBIAN as soon as possible. MOBIAN will take appropriate measures in that instance.

  5. The User declares that all the information he/she/it provides or provided when creating an account is correct, accurate, complete and current, and the User agrees that he/she/it must update his/her/its Account information to keep it correct and accurate.

  6. MOBIAN may, at its discretion, determine whether an Account will be provided.

  7. MOBIAN may modify or delete Accounts, profiles, data or other information at any time.

  8. If MOBIAN believes that the User is violating the law or these General Terms and Conditions, or suspects that there is a fraud risk, MOBIAN may exclude the User from the Website or App (in whole or in part). MOBIAN may, for example, exclude the User from the App by:

    1. Deleting the User's Account; or

    2. Blocking the User's access to areas of the Website or App.




1. Fees & Payment
All fees charged by MOBIAN include VAT unless specified otherwise for business-related customers.
MOBIAN’s memberships are offered for a fixed monthly fee, collected automatically via direct debit or invoice. The User must ensure sufficient funds are available in the specified bank account to allow periodic payments for the services.

2. Membership Duration & Automatic Renewal
Memberships have a minimum duration of one month and automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle for an additional month unless cancelled.

3. Cancellation Terms & Notice Period

  • Memberships can be cancelled with a notice period that ends on the last day of the following calendar month.

    • Example: If you cancel on September 15th, your membership remains active until October 31st.

  • The membership will remain active, and fees will continue to be charged until the last day of the calendar month following the cancellation request.

    • Example: If you cancel on September 15th, you will still be charged until October 31st.

  • Any remaining days in the current billing cycle are non-refundable.

  • MOBIAN reserves the right to terminate a membership at any time with one month’s notice, via the app or by email notification to the User.


4. Cancellation Process

  • Cancellations must be requested via the MOBIAN website or customer service.

  • A confirmation email will be sent once the cancellation request is processed. The cancellation is only valid once this confirmation is received.


5. Non-Refundable Fees

  • Any setup or registration fees are non-refundable.


6. Special Circumstances

  • In case of long-term closures of MOBIHUB locations, MOBIAN reserves the right to offer alternative parking solutions or adjust membership terms.


7. Pay-Per-Use Option
Users who do not wish to subscribe to a membership can pay per use when booking a MobiHub or MobiBike. The applicable fees, discounts, and benefits for both memberships and pay-per-use options are listed on the website.


8. Payment Defaults & Consequences

  • If a membership fee cannot be collected or is not paid on time, the User is in default without further notice.

  • The User will owe statutory interest on unpaid amounts from the date of default until full payment.

  • MOBIAN reserves the right to suspend services or close the User’s account in case of non-payment.

  • If a User fails to meet their obligations, all reasonable legal and collection costs will be charged to the User.


9. Fee Adjustments
MOBIAN may adjust its fees at any time. If the User does not agree with a price increase, they have the right to terminate their membership following the cancellation terms.



  1. If the User wishes to cancel a Booking, this can be done via MOBIAN up to the predetermined cancellation period. This is 48 hours before the start of the booking unless stated otherwise with the product that the User wants to book. 15% of the Allowance for administration costs will be charged. This cannot be cancelled within 48 hours before the reserved start time of the Booking. During booking, the Customer can choose to book a service package for 10% of the Fee. In this case, a Booking can be cancelled by the Customer up to the reserved start time. Once the start time has elapsed, the booking can no longer be cancelled.

  2. All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to our customer service to be eligible for a refund. Please note that cancellation requests can only be processed during office hours.

  3. In the event of a booking cancellation at one of the following official airport parkings -  Berlin (BER), Bremen (BRE), Düsseldorf (DUS), Frankfurt (FRA), Hamburg (HAM), Hannover (HAJ), Köln/Bonn (CGN), Munich (MUC), Nürnberg (NUE), Stuttgart (STR), Salzburg (SZG) or Vienna (VIE) special cancellation conditions apply. This means that any cancellation fees, refunds, or other terms will be determined based on the airport’s policy, not MOBIAN’s terms. These policies can be found in the product information on our website or on  

    1. Administration and service fees are non-refundable, regardless of the airport's terms.

    2. Once the cancellation has been processed, the User will receive a credit note and any applicable refund within 5 business days.



  1. The User uses a MobiHub or MobiBike following the standards of decency and observes the applicable traffic and parking rules. The User will treat the MobiHub or MobiBike with due care and will act as a responsible road user.

  2. MobiHub or MobiBike are opened and closed using the MOBIAN App linked by the User.

  3. If a Reservation is made for a specific time period, the User must bring the MobiBike back within this period. If the User does not return the MobiBike at the agreed time and location and does not end the Use in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, the User will be obliged to pay for the additional fees that are in line with the extra time of usage.

  4. The User must inspect the MobiBike visually before using it and, if there are defects, report them to MOBIAN's Customer Support. If the User makes longer drives, he/she/it must regularly check the fluid levels and tyre pressure and, where required, replenish them.

  5. The User will secure the MobiBike against theft, by locking it up at all times.

  6. Penalties imposed on MOBIAN by third parties will be paid by the User. Any costs which MOBIAN must incur as a result of the User's conduct will be paid by the User.

  7. The User may not use the Service for illegal or unauthorised purposes. The User agrees to any laws, rules or provisions applicable to his/her/its use of the Service.

  8. The User is fully liable for all damage suffered by MOBIAN, Partners and/or third parties as a result of the User's failure to (fully) comply with its obligations. The User accepts responsibility as described in these General Terms and Conditions, as well as the obligation to fully cooperate with the handling of any damage. All costs and penalties stated will be automatically collected from the bank account number known to MOBIAN. When the User accepts the General Terms and Conditions he/she/it gives MOBIAN permission to collect these amounts.

  9. MOBIAN cannot guarantee that the MobiBike will be free from defects at all times. If a MobiBike can no longer be ridden due to a defect, MOBIAN will not be liable for any costs the User has to incur as a result, such as costs for alternative transport.

  10. The User may not copy or manipulate the MobiBike’s lock, or read it out using IT methods. In the event of a breach of this provision, MOBIAN may recover all costs and any damage arising from it from the User.

  11. The User is not allowed to ride the MobiBike when under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medicine or other substances (such as laughing gas) that may affect his/her driving ability. A strict alcohol ban applies, i.e. a maximum blood-alcohol level of 0.0%.

  12. The User may not use the MobiBike to transport items or substances/materials whose nature, size, shape or weight effect riding safety or could damage the MobiBike.


1. Inspection and Safety

Before unlocking and using the Vehicle, the User must inspect it for visible defects or damage, including but not limited to tires, lights, brakes, seat, and handlebars as applicable. If the User identifies any damage or defect that makes the Vehicle unsafe, they must report it immediately via the App and/or WhatsApp to MOBIAN and return the Bike through the App.


2. The User and Co-User are strictly prohibited from using a Vehicle that is unsafe due to damage or defects.


Reporting Damage or Theft

Any unexpected damage or loss, intentional or otherwise, must be reported immediately by the User via the App and/or WhatsApp to MOBIAN.


If theft occurs, the User must report it to the police and provide MOBIAN with a copy of the police report.


3. Liability and Repairs

In the event of an accident, the User may not accept liability or issue statements of responsibility. Any such statements will only apply to the User and will not bind MOBIAN in any way.


MOBIAN reserves the sole right to determine where and how a damaged Vehicle is repaired. Users are not allowed to repair or modify the Vehicle or arrange repairs by third parties.


4. Fixed Fine for Incidents
The User will be charged a fixed fine of €150 (VAT included) for any of the following situations, in addition to other applicable relocation or replacement costs of the vehicle itself:

  • Bike not parked correctly and taken to the depot of the municipality.

  • Bike left at a different HUB than the one it was taken from.

  • Bike left in a random spot within the city.

  • Bike left somewhere without ending the rental and the User not responding to MOBIAN's emails or communications regarding the Vehicle's location.

  • Bike stolen due to the User's failure to handle it responsibly, including leaving it unlocked or improperly secured.

  • Bike disappeared under unclear circumstances.


5. Missing or Stolen Vehicles

If a Vehicle is not locked with the Axa E-lock and goes missing, the User will be notified and given 48 hours to respond. If the User fails to respond, MOBIAN will consider the Vehicle lost or stolen after 7 days and may charge the following compensation directly to the User's payment card:


6. Bike: up to €400 per Vehicle compensation.

If the Vehicle is recovered:

60% of the vehicle-compensation amount will be refunded if the Vehicle is recovered within 60 days of being reported missing.

30% of the vehicle-compensation amount will be refunded if the Vehicle is recovered within 90 days of being reported missing.

No refund will be issued for recoveries after 90 days.


The User may provide evidence that the financial harm is significantly less than the amounts charged.


If MOBIAN confirms that the Vehicle was properly locked at the time of theft, the User will not be held accountable, and no charges will apply.


7. End of Booking

The booking ends when the User or Co-Users return the Vehicle(s) to the designated MobiHub Location, press "Lock & End Ride" in the App, and complete the rental process until confirmed in the App.


  1. MOBIAN provides the following Client Support solutions:

    1. MOBIAN can be reached by telephone at +31 (0)88 57 00 141, by e-mail, by WhatsApp at +31 (0)6 198 648 67 and by chat via the website.

  2. If the User has a complaint about MOBIAN or the services of the Suppliers, the User can submit this complaint to MOBIAN in writing within 2 weeks after the return. MOBIAN will send a receipt confirmation as soon as possible and respond to the complaint within a reasonable period of time (but not longer than 5 working days). In case the complaint is about the services of a Supplier, MOBIAN will forward the complaint to the Supplier. MOBIAN has the discretion to mediate between the User and the Supplier to find a solution but is not obligated to do so.​

  3. The User is obliged to mention any complaints about the service of the Supplier, including alleged damage or theft, together with the Supplier at the time of returning the vehicle (immediately) to the contract. In the event of damage, the User must also take photographs at locations. In the absence of 8.2 and 8.3, the complaint cannot be processed.​


  1. MOBIAN uses third parties for the execution of the agreement with the User. MOBIAN is not liable for any damages (directly or indirectly) caused by these third parties.

  2. Third parties cannot bind MOBIAN unless MOBIAN confirms this in writing.

  3. MOBIAN’s liability is expressly precluded in case of damage that is caused by incomplete or incorrect information provided by the Reseller, User or Supplier.

  4. Neither MOBIAN nor Supplier is liable for loss, theft and/or damage to the vehicle during parking whereby the User himself parks and retains the key.

  5. In case promotional deals contain(s) (an) error(s), MOBIAN is entitled to correct these errors. In such a case the User is entitled to cancel the booking without charge within 24 hours after the correction was made known to it. MOBIAN is also entitled to cancel the booking after the User has made the booking in case of an error(s). In case of (an) error(s) in the promotional deals, neither MOBIAN nor the User is obligated to fulfil the Agreement or to compensate any loss or damages that occurred because of the error(s).

  6. MOBIAN’s liability for any losses or damages is expressly excluded when those losses or damages are caused by any act or omission attributable to Supplier, the User and/or Reseller. MOBIAN’s liability for any losses or damages for the User is also expressly excluded in the case of bankruptcy and/or a moratorium of payment on the part of the Supplier.

  7. MOBIAN’s liability is limited in each case to direct loss or direct damage and shall not exceed an amount that is greater than the amount of the booking, or at least is limited to the amount paid out, if any, under the applicable liability insurance policy in the matter concerned, plus the applicable deductible.

  8. The User's liability for damage to the MobiBike is limited based on the following provisions: if the MobiBike is damaged while being used by the User, or if the User causes damage, the User will be liable for an excess.

  9. The limitations of liability apply if:

    1. The MobiBike were used in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, and 

    2. Any damage was reported without undue delay and in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.

  10. The limitations of liability do not apply in the event of:

    1. gross breaches of the obligations under the Agreement;

    2. unlawful failure to report accidents or damage;

    3. damage caused by intent or gross negligence;

    4. or mechanical damage to the MobiBike that was caused by faulty actions (e.g. damage to the engine due to filling it up with the wrong fuel).


  1. After Use, the MobiBike must be returned to the MobiHub and locked.

  2. The User must ensure that the Use has ended completely before leaving the MobiHub or MobiBike. If the User leaves the MobiHub without having ended the Use, the MobiBike Agreement will continue at the expense of the User.

  3. If the Use cannot be ended, the User must report this to MOBIAN immediately and stay with the MobiBike until MOBIAN has decided on the further course of action. Any additional costs that may be incurred will be reimbursed after MOBIAN has checked them, provided that the User is not in default. The User is in default if, for instance, the MobiBike does not allow the Use to be ended because of an error in the hardware or software (if applicable).

  4. In the event of an accident or a defect that renders the MobiHub inoperable, the Use will in any event ends when the MobiHub is transferred to MOBIAN or a third party engaged by MOBIAN.


  1. To perform the Service, MOBIAN utilises Partners' services, and any additional terms and conditions of these Partners apply to the use of the Service.

  2. The Service, the App and the Website may include links to third parties' mobile (or other) applications, websites or functions. MOBIAN does not monitor these third parties' web services or other content. The User expressly acknowledges and accepts that MOBIAN is not in any way responsible or liable for such third-party services or functions.


  1. Any intellectual property rights to the App, such as intellectual property rights to the product summaries, the App itself or the Website, are fully vested in MOBIAN or its licensors. Nothing in these General Terms and Conditions is intended to transfer any of MOBIAN's intellectual property rights.

  2. Upon creating an Account, MOBIAN will grant a limited, royalty-free, non-sub-licensable, non-transferable and nonexclusive right to use the App.

  3. Notices or statements regarding intellectual property rights may not be removed, made illegible, hidden or modified in any way whatsoever. 


  1. In so far as legally permissible, MOBIAN is not liable for damage ensuing from providing the App or from a breach in the performance of the Agreement.

  2. If despite the foregoing, MOBIAN nevertheless turns out to be liable, MOBIAN's liability will be limited to compensating direct damage up to, at most, an amount of EUR 100.

  3. Direct damage means

    1. Material damage to objects;

    2. Reasonable costs incurred to avoid or limit direct damage, which may be expected as a result of the event on which the liability is based;

    3. Reasonable costs were incurred to ascertain the cause of the damage.

  4. MOBIAN is not responsible for the actions, content, information or data of third parties, and the User indemnifies Us and Our directors, officers, employees and agents against any claims or damage which may ensue in any way from a claim against such third parties.

  5. The User agrees that any claim he/she/it has and which ensues from the relationship with MOBIAN must be submitted within one year after the claim arose, otherwise his/her/its claim against MOBIAN will be time-barred.


  1. MOBIAN respects the User's privacy. MOBIAN handles and processes any personal data processed during the use of the Service in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

  2. For more privacy information, please refer to Our privacy policy on the Website


  1. If a provision in these General Terms and Conditions turns out to be invalid or nonbinding, the User will still be bound by the other provisions in these General Terms and Conditions. MOBIAN will replace the invalid or nonbinding provisions with provisions which are binding and the purport of which is as far as possible the same as that of the provisions that are being replaced, taking into account the purpose of these General Terms and Conditions.

  2. If any condition from these Terms and Conditions is invalid, unlawful or not binding it has no effect on the other conditions. MOBIAN will as soon as possible after the invalidity, unlawfulness or not binding occurs deliver a new article that is valid.

  3.  MOBIAN is entitled to change these Terms and Conditions. In the process of booking the latest version will be accessible.

  4. Any disputes that may arise in the realisation, execution or finalisation of the agreement, or any additional agreements between parties, will be submitted to the competent court where MOBIAN is situated.

  5. Dutch law exclusively applies to Agreements, and any non-contractual obligations ensuing from them between MOBIAN and the User to which these General Terms and Conditions pertain.

  6. Any disputes which arise between the User and MOBIAN in connection with these General Terms and Conditions or Agreements ensuing from them will be settled in the first instance by the competent court of the Amsterdam District Court.

Latest version 01 April 2023

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